May 13, 2016

大学放榜 4 : 我的自述- 一针一线 Stitches

申请美国大学,其中一项最费时间与精神的程序是写一篇关于自己的 Personal Statement (essay),就是所谓的个人自述。

不同大学对 Personal Statement 有不同的要求,有关大学会规定 Personal Statement 的范围,主要是想看看背景与环境如何造就今天的你,认识你的特质强项,了解你的志愿,评估你的理想是否符合他们的核心思想等等。

所以,Personal Statement 很重要,绝对不可掉以轻心。

由于女儿总共申请了5间大学,所以她至少写了5篇 Personal Statement。

其中一篇 Personal Statement 里,提到了她公公婆婆由中国海南岛来马来西亚的经历,顺便穿插了她本身小小移民的生活故事。。。











得到她的允许,我把其中一篇 Personal Statement  放在这里与大家一起分享。


I recall the moment when I was in 8th grade, where my history teacher asked where each student would travel to celebrate Christmas with their family.

“I’m going to Seattle!”

“My grandparents live in Orlando!”

“ Oh, my family will be at my house for Christmas.”

My classmates excitedly shared their plans for the holiday, but I quietly listened in. It was a mixture of fascination and jealousy - my extended family lives seven thousand miles away in Malaysia, or, as my thirteen-year-old self liked to say, a day of traveling in a plane.

From the earlier generations of my family, I have inherited the small eyes and tiny nose, but I have also gained the hidden ability of the family: the drive to thrive anywhere you are. My grandfather, who I’d always called Ye-ye, immigrated from China to Malaysia, raising his children by tailoring in a largely Islamic society. Stitch by stitch, he made clothes for five dollars each, sending all his children to universities despite the difficulties.

I was born and raised in Malaysia. When I was a newborn, my parents had to work, so it was my grandfather who spent the most time with me during the day. In my mind, Ye-ye was strict, and he had the silence of steel. Beneath that surface, I knew that my grandpa was as warmhearted as anyone- he made my siblings and me pajamas from leftover fabric, or bags from jeans that we had outgrown. As school became more difficult, tears were shed, and tantrums were thrown by my younger self, but my dad would remind me of Ye-ye’s hardships of living in a foreign place, and to be grateful for it. I used to scoff at that statement, until the moment I was in Ye-ye’s shoes, leaving my birthplace for the United States when I was thirteen years old.

Struggles were inevitable when adjusting to the new environment. I was not fluent in English, I wore outlandish clothes on the first day of 8th grade, I was scared of what my classmates thought of me - the strange girl with the weird glasses. As months passed, the importance of my family gradually dawned on me. Facetiming was common, despite the time zone difference. It was not evident, but the sense of support was always there as we talked through the screen, or even by sharing pictures through Whatsapp. At that moment, I realized that I was dependent on Ye-ye’s presence. His constant encouragement and love supported me back in Malaysia, and now, it motivated me to thrive in this place where I would start a new chapter of my life.

Over my high school years, I occasionally imagined what Ye-ye faced back when they were leaving their hometown. Fear? Excitement? Curiousity? Anxiety of separation? I had a taste of those, and now it was up to my own hands to find my own interest and to create a life that I want. By taking classes of biology and anatomy, I found my interest in the functioning of the human body; by babysitting, I realized that I loved to work with children. I’ve actively volunteered in a local hospital for nearly two years, and I’ve visited a hospital in Malaysia with the passion to encourage cancer-stricken children to never give up on continuing the arduous treatment process. I am the president of an honor society, as well as an officer of Science Olympiad that aims to invigorate students’ interest in science. Despite these small achievements, I constantly reminded myself that it was largely on Ye-ye’s sacrifices and hardships that I’d built my success on. It was his stitches that the rest of the family held on to, keeping the family together over the distance. As the saying goes, “Distance only makes the heart grow fonder.”


May 5, 2016

大学放榜 3:理想 vs 出路

社区颁发20份 $1500 的奖学金


名校的学费昂贵,一年至少要 4 万到 6 万美金的学费。除非成绩特别优异,或者家里特别贫困,要不然大部分学费还是要自挑腰包。


除了大学排名,还有一个指标,大家也会参考--- ROI。

所谓 ROI,就是 Return of Investment,大约的列出大学的学费与未来薪金的对比。这指数其实也很笼统,一些大学的科系包罗万象,一些小型大学贵精不贵多,只专注强项,所以 ROI 只是一个大概。市面上有很多有关大学 “投资回酬” (College Return of Investment) 的数据供父母亲及学生们参考。



Is getting admission looks to be more awarding than ROI?  ROI 回酬重不重要?这就是抉择的困难。。。

College Return-Of-Investment - HIT HERE (ROI)

CNBC Report on College ROI - HIT HERE



女儿学校 3 位奖学金得奖者与校长和 Counselor 合影
女儿和她的 Counselor,这位年轻的 Counselor 给了孩子不少学业上的帮助




第一,先找到一份工作;第二,新公司愿意帮你申请 H-1B Visa工作签证;第三,求神拜佛自己能在工作的两年内抽到H-1B工作签证。

每年的4月,美国移民局会提供6万5千个H-1B Visa (工作签证)于本科毕业生,另外2万个工作签证给予硕士生以上的毕业生。而区区8万5千个名额,却收到大约24万份申请表格;僧多粥少,大家可以算算成功率。

工作两年后如果还抽不到 H-1B,就算是老板想挽留你他也无能为力,你还是要收拾包袱回家。

(STEM)理工科毕业生比较容易找到工作是事实,硕士以上的毕业生拿到 H-1B的机会也比本科生多一倍,因为不被抽中的硕士生申请表格将放进本科生的组再抽一次。


The Greetings: A north plain Indian Elder in the gesture of the universal greeting, representing different cultures coming together in the hope of mutual understanding!



除了成绩标清,还要多多参与自己真正有兴趣的课外活动:运动学术艺术比赛研究样样精通;为社会服务(Community Service),课余时工作磨练心志(Job)等等,都能提高被录取的机会。

当然,一篇写得好的个人自述 (Personal Statement) 举足轻重,要能让大学当局看到你的强大,也让大学看看你的理想是否符合有关大学的核心精神等等,你能不能脱颖而出就看这些。 




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