直布罗陀 Gibraltar 原本不在我们的计划中。
2019 岁末,原本打算由摩洛哥的 Tangier 一大早乘搭渡轮到西班牙城市 Tarifa 然后北上拜访位于西班牙安达鲁西亚的白色小镇。谁知天气不好,原本在Tangier 出发的渡轮服务全部取消,斟酌之后我们决定到45公里外的码头碰运气。结果老天爷开恩,竟然还有船票由 Tangier 出发到西班牙的 Algeciras,而这 Algeciras 就在直布罗陀 Gibraltar 旁边。
当天下雨,渡轮摇晃的厉害,幸好渡轮很大,不至于感觉头昏。我们乘风破浪往西班牙方向一望,总会看到一座隆起的大山;不管渡轮如何航行,那巨大的山 (其实是块巨石)Rock of Gibraltar 一直都落在眼前。白色,呈三角形状,一面笔直,另一面倾斜,应该是大理石,有一点像切了半边的金字塔。
Gibraltar 夹在地中海与西班牙最南方之间,聚居在大石脚下的大约35千人,拿的是英国护照,用的是英镑,挂英国旗贴英国国徽,吃 Fish & Chips, 交通工具是 Double Decker,电视上转播的是英超足球赛。那时候,除了那巨石,还有完全与西班牙城镇完全不一样的英伦氛围。Gibraltar 也许是这海岸线上最热闹的城市。
我们当天唯一的目标是 Rock of Gibraltar!在山脚下排了好久的队等缆车上山,幸好来到大石头顶端被冬天的风狂吹,把长发扯上半空中,再把打从摩洛哥开始的疲累冲散;精神马上清爽起来。
我们站在Top of the Rock 山顶,(姑且称它为山吧~),看着蓝色海水的尽头,想象着当年穆斯林把它当明灯的山峰顶,回望着远方非洲大陆上的 Jabal Musa 山,虽然有点模糊,但无可置疑的,那是他们的故乡。我们也站在英女王曾经站过的一排柏树下,俯览Gibraltar 城,巨大的货轮游轮都化成迷你模型,这肯定是个繁忙的码头;远远还能瞄到他的飞机场与跑道。山顶上猴子特多,大的小的,都是人们眼中的模特儿。我们在山顶上,眼前脚下,皆是汪洋大海。风高气爽的天气适合漫步,我们决定走路下山。来到半山腰当儿正好有缆车下山去,快步挤入缆车厢内。。。
我们由Gibraltar 大街的一端走到另一端,短短两公里路,我们路过 Mark & Spencer,有红色电话亭与邮筒,熟悉是英式路名,还有以 Trafalgar广场命名的 sport bar。
回去位于西班牙 Algeciras 的旅社前,我们决定好好吃一顿英式晚餐, 鱼肉薯条与啤酒。
嗯,我们会记住, 2019 年的最后一天好长好累但好收获,我们在这块巨大石头Rock of Gibraltar 下喝啤酒与爱尔兰咖啡,贺年!
旅程中总有意外,而这些突发状况只要没有危险,往往会带来惊喜,譬如这个与Gibraltar 美丽的邂逅。。。
Gibraltar 海峡——地中海衔接大西洋的出口处的航海要道,位于西班牙南端与摩洛哥北端之间。有一个很美丽的华文名字—直布罗陀!
回到1400年前,大约8世纪,这个海峡来来往往的多是来自中东与北非沙哈拉地区的伊斯兰教徒。当年穆斯林第一次航向伊比利亚 Iberian 半岛 (西班牙/葡萄牙),他们就是以这块平地凸起的白色大石头作为指引明灯,后人称为 Rock of Gibraltar! 当年穆斯林就以此地作为踏板进入欧洲大陆。的确,后来的伊斯兰教在此地发扬光大,带来了伊斯兰文明发展的黄金时代。
当时这地区并不叫西班牙/葡萄牙 , 而是许许多多的小小王国属地。穆斯林来了,把大部分伊比利亚 Iberian 地区(除了北部极少地区)霸为己有。从此,伊斯兰宗教与文化落地生根一直到1492年西班牙 Isabel 女王把穆斯林与犹太人赶出去为止。值得一提的,伊斯兰教在西班牙土地这段时间(711-1429)蛮开明宽容。当时的三大宗教——天主教,伊斯兰,犹太教徒大家都相安无事和平相处。政治科学文化艺术知识在这里百家争鸣,百花齐放。但1492年西班牙 Isabel 女王统治这片土地时,她强迫伊斯兰与犹太教徒改教,把不愿意改教的人驱逐出境。自然而然滴,他们只能逃回海峡彼岸,这解释为何摩洛哥与北非拥有许多犹太人的聚居点。
1400 年以后, Rock of Gibraltar 没变,来往海峡两岸的人群也没变,唯一变化的是人的身份。现在大部分来自非洲与中东国家的年轻人是背着简便行囊,投奔直布罗陀海峡。他们想来叩开欧洲大陆的就业大门,追求更美好的未来;或是逃离战乱的家园。。。

回去位于西班牙 Algeciras 的旅社前,我们决定好好吃一顿英式晚餐, 鱼肉薯条与啤酒。
嗯,我们会记住, 2019 年的最后一天好长好累但好收获,我们在这块巨大石头Rock of Gibraltar 下喝啤酒与爱尔兰咖啡,贺年!
The Rock of Gibraltar that witnessed history (Dec 2019)
In the year 750 (that was 1400 years ago), the Muslim’s Arab and North African Berbers (the converts), collectively known as Moors, crossed the Straits of Gibraltar and "invaded" the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal of today). The general, Tariq bin Ziyad led a strong 2000-men contingent, with four vessels, called this massive stone Jabal Tariq in Arabic, or Tariq’s Mountain.
And today, this rock, clearly a landmark and a guide post for the Islamic conquerer, the name stays and today Jabal Tariq has morphed into Gibraltar. That invasion sets the conquest in motion and cemented an Islamic rules for nearly 800 years in the Peninsula.
The invading Muslims brought tremendous civilization into Europe and the 8th - 13th century was termed as the Islamic Golden Age that stretched from Baghdad to Cordoba (Spain). It was a fascinating period; from medicine to science to mathematics to astronomy, and countless translations of ancient texts into Arabic - this was indeed a period of intellectual explosion. During this period, most part of Europe was still living a Medieval life - hard, violent and short. Science? Hardly, it doesn’t come until the Age of Enlightenment probably around the 18th century.
Fast forwarding to today, 1400 years later (that’s a very long time!) , the Straits of Gibraltar continues to see people crossing in both direction between the North Africa and Europe (the narrowest point is only 9 miles) and who are the commuters? Business dealings aside, the illegal immigrants or refugees from sub-Saharans , or even as far Middle East have been using it as a conduit to cross into Europe to pursue a better future. In 2019-2020 trip, we purposely flew into Morocco, re-visiting some cities and travelled to Tangier and grabbed a ferry to cross the Straits of Gibraltar. We landed in Spain’s Algecira (anything started its Al is definitely have Arab’s root) as it is just next door to the English-ruled Gibraltar.
This rock, protruding from a flat land is legendary, is so massive and huge, no wonder it is simply known as the Rock. When someone say something like you are my Rock of Gibraltar, they mean I have a total unwavered confidence in you. There are not too many natural formations can be turned into an idiom! It makes a perfect daily excursion into this place, and spent times taking the cable car visiting the peak for its view, and its monkeys.
Today, this small narrow stripe of land (and the Rock) belonged to British, not Spain! Once stepping into Gibraltar, you can feel the atmosphere is different. One needs a passport. All of a sudden, you see Union Jack flags, fish and chips restaurants, English pubs, English signage and the currency is certain English Pounds!
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