Nov 16, 2012


人的一生,總是為了追尋生命中的光,而走在漫長的旅途上 ~~~ 
Michio Hoshino 星野道夫

[Fairbanks Museum of the North, Alaska]
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Museum of the North 阿拉斯加大学北极博物馆

The Inupiat Eskimos have long had a great respect and affinity for the great white bear, Nanook (polar bear) which share their world of ice. Perhaps it was from the bear that they learned to sit, for days on end if need be, by the breathing hole of a seal. The bears figure prominently in Inupiat lore, often taking on human characteristics.~~~ Michio Hoshino 1995



一生致力保育阿拉斯加自然生态的星野道夫,以这种凄美的结局回归他热爱的尘土中,我们不知道应该是惋惜呢,还是上天造化弄人? 虽然他人以逝,灵魂却永永久久的留在这片他爱的土地。。。。。。。





Everything is just the same as it was last year! Naturally. Everything is repeated in an endless circle, indifferent to human joy and sorrow. Perhaps this is why we find solace in the predictable order of nature’s progression…..It is moment like this that make me want to call out, “hey, there, Time. I wish we could meet again, just as I knew you during my childhood.” ~~~ 
Michio Hoshino 1991

The touch of the arctic wind caressing my cheeks. The sweet smell of the arctic tundra, the pale light of these summer nights. Clusters of forget-me-nots, so small as to be easily overlooked. I want to stand still, compose myself, and record this landscape in the memory of m five senses. I want to value these moments that flow by, without producing anything at all. I always want to know in my heart that there is another kind of time flowing by in parallel to the hectic conduct with the man’s daily life.” ~~~ Michio Hoshino 1995

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